
Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding your account, the use of your personal information or about the terms of use, cookies or other similar technologies, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].

Collection of Information

▸ The information you provide: We collect certain information provided by our users when they register on our website. This means we may collect your name, e-mail address, phone number, response to surveys, billing address, ZIP code and other information related to payment.

▸ User Activity and Login Data: We may obtain the following information when you use the WP APP: your IP address, device MAC number, device type, operating system, etc. We may also collect your activity data, such as: content viewed, history, categories, cache information, etc.

▸ Data related to Third Parties: We may collect your information from other WP related channels, which can include: your payment service providers, online and offline data providers, broadband providers, etc. However, WP protects this information.

Use of Information

General Use. WP collects information about you with the purpose of providing the best service, for example:

▸ To provide WP services.
▸ To contact you for informational and promotional purposes.
▸ To detect any issue you may encounter while using our WP APP.
▸ To customize and optimize our recommendations.
▸ To conduct user research to understand you better and improve our service.
▸ To enforce our Terms of Use, as well as determining your free-trial eligibility and charging period.
▸ To compile extra data for internal and external business purposes.
▸ Other uses in accordance with our Terms of Use.
▸ Any other purposes disclosed to you the moment we collect information or related to a request made by you.

WP Interests Protection Use. WP uses information in order to prevent potentially illegal or harmful activities, including fraud. If we find unusual data, we shall apply measures in order to safeguard your privacy.Data classified as unusual:

▸ Multiple login of the same account exceeding the legal limit.
▸ Modification of the WP firmware or system without permission.
▸ Other illegal behaviors that may infringe the legitimate interests of WP and its members.


We use reasonable administrative, logical, physical and managerial measures to protect your personal information against loss, theft and unauthorized access, usage and modifications. These measures are designed to provide a level of security equivalent to the risk of the personal information processing.

Account deletion

You have the right to request that WP deletes the personal information that we collect or maintain about you and your account, subject to certain legal exceptions.
To make this request, please contact us via email: [email protected]

Please note that if you delete your account, you'll need to recreate it from scratch if you return, and once this action is performed it can't be undone.